Wednesday, 3 December 2014

captain america- texture analysis

This time the masthead is white instead of red, this might be because the main colour in the background is red and it won't make the masthead stand out as much, and white contrast with the colour red. There is also another resin why the masthead is white, in the background is the American flag, and the main colours of the flag are white, red and blue. With the masthead being white it links with the American flag and has a meaning to it, as well as trying to catch the audiences' attention.

Cover Lines
These are use to attract other audience that might not like Captain America or Chris Evans and wish to read something else and not about that. They normally use puns or play on words like "the other gladiator" hinting to the film Gladiator, saying that both captain america and gladiator are very strong fighters. Also these cover lines are yellow that have nothing to do with the American flag, this could be showing that this is completely different to the main image which is Captain America. 

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